As the title says it's been a while since my last post and my how things have changed! AJ has become quite the little miss independent. Everything is "I do, I do" and "I know." It is so cute. She talks a lot and most of the time you can tell what she is trying to say. Just recently when she was up with daddy in the morning she would point to everything and tell him what it was. "Book, car, dog, etc." and she especially loves to do this with photos of family. We have been working with AJ for a long time now (months) to say "help please" when she needs help instead of whining out of frustration and she is finally using the word "help." I don't think I have ever been so excited and proud! She also asks for her milk instead of whining, which is another big plus. My favorite is the way she says thank you, it is almost like she is singing it with her cute little voice.
Of course with all these new developments of independence comes the tantrums (how does every toddler know to throw herself on the floor?) because yes AJ does have her opinions! But let's focus on the positive for now.