Wednesday, July 25, 2012

It's Been Awhile

As the title says it's been a while since my last post and my how things have changed!  AJ has become quite the little miss independent.  Everything is "I do, I do" and "I know."  It is so cute.  She talks a lot and most of the time you can tell what she is trying to say.  Just recently when she was up with daddy in the morning she would point to everything and tell him what it was.  "Book, car, dog, etc." and she especially loves to do this with photos of family.  We have been working with AJ for a long time now (months) to say "help please" when she needs help instead of whining out of frustration and she is finally using the word "help."  I don't think I have ever been so excited and proud!  She also asks for her milk instead of whining, which is another big plus.  My favorite is the way she says thank you, it is almost like she is singing it with her cute little voice.

Of course with all these new developments of independence comes the tantrums (how does every toddler know to throw herself on the floor?) because yes AJ does have her opinions!  But let's focus on the positive for now.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

New Tricks!

AJ has some new tricks to share with the world!  It is so fun to see her change.  The first one is her "cheese" face.
Super cute!  And then there is her spinning!

And using a fork!  (Well, sometimes)

I am so glad to have an iphone to capture all of these little moments.  Enjoy!

Monday, March 5, 2012

AJ's New Best Friend

AJ has finally found her best friend.  He is a green, soft, and cuddly monkey!!!  Thank you great Grandma.  This monkey has been sitting on her shelf by her crib for her entire life.  About a week ago while I was holding her she started pointing at him so I got him down and she hugged and played with the monkey for a little bit.  They were friends at this point but not best friends yet.  On Wednesday or Tuesday of this past week AJ got up extra early in the morning so I decided to put Monkey in with her to see if she would play and maybe if I was lucky go back to sleep.  And you are not going to believe it, but she did just that!!!   I got lucky.  Then it came time for nap and I put her in bed without Monkey.  She would not go down which is very odd for her morning nap, so after a few minutes I put Monkey in there and she fell right asleep.  From that point on Monkey is now a staple in her bed and I must say it is the cutest thing!  She hugs him, rolls around with him, and talks to him.  I am so glad I have a video monitor where I can see their relationship unfold.  Of course now that they are best friends he has to come out of the crib with her as well and recently she has wanted Monkey to join her in the bathtub!  That was very interesting.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Snuggle Bug

Alright so I think I speak for everyone when I say cuddling with a baby is one of the best things in life. When they are inafnts it is their favorite pastime as well. And then they become babies and they seem to want their independence. I can crawl now mommy so I do not need you to hold me or I would rather being running around like a crazy woman mommy. Well I am just not ok with this.

Those of you that have known me growing up know that I always had to be sitting right next to my mom. She would always remind me that there is the whole couch, yet I still chose to snuggle in. Maybe it is because I am always cold? After I got married my husband is who I snuggle up to. And then I had AJ my constant snuggle bug during her infancy. Then she found her independence and I lost my little snuggle bug. I still would shower her with affection and sneak in a few cuddles hoping one day my snuggle bug would return. Well I am excited to say my snuggle bug is returning!!!! Only glimpses, but I'll take it. :)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

What a year!!!!

Wow, I cannot believe my little AJ is a year! I swear time flies by even faster the older you get. I remember growing up and thinking that the school year took forever and now I blink an eye and my little girl is one!!!! It is fun to try and look at the world like a one year old. The pure enjoyment she gets out of the littlest thing, the wonder in her eyes with each new thing, and the belly laughs! I am so glad I am able to stay at home and watch her explore her world. And yes she still reminds me (some days a little too frequently) that it is her world and I am just living in it :) Of course she must get that stubbornness from her father, right?

So now that AJ is one and I am thinking of weaning (if you would have asked me while pregnant wOuld I still be nursing after one I would have said no way, but I have a totally different view of nursing now)we are trying to look at AJ's diet and see how to make it healthier since the mommy milk might be coming to a slow end. AJ eats decently with fruits and dairy, ok with protein and grains, and a little sketchy with veggies. At her checkup we talked to the dr. and she gave us some ideas about how to "sneak" foods in, but she kept talking about how important it is to lead by example. Uh oh! I mean how many green veggies are on your plate every day? John and I do not eat too unhealthy, but we definately could lay off the carbs and increase fruits and veggies. Guess it is something to work on, I'm thinking of it as a new years resolution a little late. Wish us luck!